•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♡♡♡(⌒▽⌒) I'm an attention whore!!! (✳¯︶¯✳)♡♡♡•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•
Age 30, Female
★Des~Moines ☞ Washington★
Joined on 2/6/09
keep it 100
I gots more images to dump
How 'bout being a text princess? So what's "this" anime about? There have got to be trillions of those things floating around in cyberspace, and no one sane enough to know about them all.
I've pretty much given up American TV and decided to off-shore my video distractions, so if you don't mind being non-mysterious, a caption would work. Mine would be (for right hand side lady), "Now that I've giftwrapped this tiny little morsel for the masses, I think I'll press my bewbs up against the stained glass to see who notices outside."
This has been my creepy statement for the evening, thank you for your attention.
cool story
anime?? anime............... ANIMEEEE
has the best tv shows
umm have a good dream
I will
6000 copies of Modern Warfare 3 stolen in truck heist
French site TFI News reports that the truck suffered a collision with a car on saturday morning in Créteil, south Paris, before two masked individuals emerged.
The criminals reportedly used tear gas to neutralise the truck drivers before hopping in and making off with the video game shipment said to be worth 400,000 Euros.
Separate reports say the truck contained a delivery of Activision's much-anticipated shooter, Modern Warfare 3 - an estimated 6000 copies of it.
This wouldn't be the first theft Activision has suffered, after an employee reportedly stole a copy of the game from a shipping warehouse in California before pirating the disc and uploading it to the internet.
muahahaha i hope they will discontinue call of duty franchise
call of duty sucks mindcraft sucks
overrated pieces of shits
at the ps3's exclusive's tries to take it down
hey whats the big idea removing my corrected spelling comment?
does it matter
Hello mr. cool.
sup ese
* imagine's that you fall into a pool full of dirty worms*
Image queen/Attention whore
thats me