•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♡♡♡(⌒▽⌒) I'm an attention whore!!! (✳¯︶¯✳)♡♡♡•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•
Age 30, Female
★Des~Moines ☞ Washington★
Joined on 2/6/09
4chan is an obvious choice for an all-around forum, even though it is largely image dumping and the usual garbage that seems to come out of there.
If you're looking for more of an anime/manga central forum, then Sankaku Complex would be right up your alley, I have limited knowledge about their forums, but I got to imagine that they can't be as stupid as some of the people here from what I've read.
But whatever you do, please don't leave here permanently, I'll miss you too much. <3
I'll still visit to talk to my friends<3
Where do you think you're going, sex slave? We never agreed that you could just up and leave.
well I just did bitch
You seem like you would like Gaia
thanks for the suggestion
tumblr would be a good choice for you. You'll find anything on there and make friends while your at it. It can get to addictive just a warning.
thank you
You should visit me and pm me sometime, chat etc. Usually a good conversation is what keeps me going.
okay when?
Anytime, just shoot me a message or whatnot, I tend to get on quiet a bit.
<a href="http://forum.onemanga.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6">http://forum.onemanga.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6 </a>
thank you
you should make an account so we can talk my name is butterbean
lol if squidbit is being serious theyre a faggot
also /a/
I prefer /e/
I <3 you
<3 you back
Some of the people here are annoying but you seem cool.
/e/ is hot
I know right
I am a faggot, but I don't actually visit gaia, just for the record.
And you should add me on skype or something.
It's an instant messenger.
GameFAQs is going pretty strong, if you don't mind the occasional "I'm better than you" ass hat.
4chan is always a popular choice, despite having a bad reputation.
I hear a lot of people like reddit for some reason.
If you're into art, anime, cosplaying, video games, furries, ponies, or just about anything else really, deviantArt has a good amount of forums to use. The community ain't exactly the classiest bunch, though.
Pick your poison.
WiiFittoToreinaa (Updated )
GameFAQs is going pretty strong, if you don't mind the occasional "I'm better than you" ass hat.
4chan is always a popular choice, despite having a bad reputation.
if I feel like image dumping
I hear a lot of people like reddit for some reason.
I'll give it a shot
If you're into art, anime, cosplaying, video games, furries, ponies, or just about anything else really, deviantArt has a good amount of forums to use. The community ain't exactly the classiest bunch, though
I didn't know they have a fourm