Am I the only one here that has no grudge against SHITHEAD?
•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♡♡♡(⌒▽⌒) I'm an attention whore!!! (✳¯︶¯✳)♡♡♡•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•
Age 30, Female
★Des~Moines ☞ Washington★
Joined on 2/6/09
Am I the only one here that has no grudge against SHITHEAD?
yes you are
why even bother talking to a dude named shit head? his name says it all
cause I'm banned from the forums till next week
^lol this guys a fucking idiot. shadow stop being a delinquent! XD
does getting lols off a retard being a delinquent
no... ok XD continue
thank you
oh yeah i remember we used to do that shit all the time...memories XD
ekims99 good times
lol shit that was like 2 years ago!!!!
wasn't just last year
SHlTHEAD's been working his way up the food chain since he came back after his parents removed him from their household. Getting himself quite a reputation. Adding you on TubeYou btw.
P.S nice user name lol
ok i think this is kind of good and where did u get the layout?
Check ur inbox
google fire emblem girl pic or something like that
*off topic with post* From my point of view, SHITHEAD is indeed butthurt and is trying to hide it, good job
why thank you
nice layout. is a pic of girls from what anime?
feature video-sekirei
icon-Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
background-fire emblem
Oh wow you can call me an idiot instead of actually making an argument, that's the first sign of defeat.
"does getting lols off a retard being a delinquent"
Once again, English mothafucka, do you speak it?!
My parents never kicked me out, you just need to make shit up because you have nothing on me. It's obvious you're butthurt about having me point out your hypocrisy and stupidity repeatedly, along with doing the same to the rest of your stupid fucking friends.
From my point of view, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about but feel the need to open your stupid fucking mouth anyway, good job.
ok u fucking asshole! its evident that we are trying to stop fucking with you yet u still come back for more!? I see, you're a fucking bipolar bitch that loves to get yelled at! i guess now that your dick-licking ass doesn't know when to quit, we will flame you for the REST of your days you cunt.
ok cocksucker, it's evident that you don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about, nobody has tried to stop fucking with me. Every time I get on I have more hate comments from the same group of idiots and I see some of you pathetic fucks can't stop talking about me on your news posts as well. Am I supposed to be scared that a 10 year old little pussy has threatened to "FLAME" me?
Anybody that agrees with any of the bullshit drivel that you've just posted, like this dumb cunt Devilshadow666 just did, is just as fucking stupid as you are.
you need a life :/
"you need a life"
Says the stupid cunt with 131 news posts. It's just a non stop irony fest with you idiots.
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^ SHITHEAD, you don't seem to understand, she obviously made her profile long before you made yours.
Her profile is just a little over a year older than mine.
She has made 131 news posts.
I have made 5.
Do the math.
So, you're a complete fucking hypocrite for saying I have no life, when you waste so much more time fucking around on the internet than I do.
so your really are a stocker huh
Any IQ below 60 is considered bonkers.
cause SHlTHEAD is