read my pomes thay are good i have love pomes scary pomes darck pomes check them out
•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♡♡♡(⌒▽⌒) I'm an attention whore!!! (✳¯︶¯✳)♡♡♡•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•
Age 30, Female
★Des~Moines ☞ Washington★
Joined on 2/6/09
read my pomes thay are good i have love pomes scary pomes darck pomes check them out
ive opened a room
Is it just me or duz joslopez sound chinese
beats me
i had to change some stuff rejoin
do you have pkmn battle revolution
omg dude i when we was playin as sake and u was bowser i was trying to do that snake taunt thing
you mean a collect call everyone knows that guy
i also wanted to do the fox lyat thing
no items final destination fox only?
i read on some website that meta knight was the top tier character
yup he an uber and everyone hates him
no the same thing ya do with snake, mash the fuck out of the taunt buttons anmd hell call up some of the star fox/wolf team. it can be done with fox, falco and wolf
why everyone hate meta knight?
he is cheap as hell
true.. but he still good fighter
wanna brawl cause im getting bored out of my mind
alright but set the rules like this
3 stock 6 stock time limits
items none
no temple no new pork city
these are some epic battles happenin i just wish i was better....
even though I just using charaters I don't use
what am i doing wrong?
just train more
1. I don't need a poetry class, unless im teaching it im not intristed. and I would like to see you do better, faggot.
2. I do.
3. Im 14 wtf?!
4. I dont get pwned, i do the pwning.
5. ive already tried. i cut my wrist before but it barely bleed.
1.your gay you don't
3.your 40 deal with it
4.then why did you loose to that flamewar with danicos
5.get a gun and shoot yourself
umm my new post contains a sexy women
There's an iron man anime? Must suck.
actually its alright
wats up do i check thei out